#!/usr/local/bin/perl ####################################################################### # somr basic configs & var-initialisation # ####################################################################### #Kennzeichen-Kürzel plateID $cid = "EIC"; # Stadt / town name $stadt = "Eichsfeld"; # Webdomainname $webdomain = "eichsfeld.net"; $footer_htm =qq~

Menue Neue Seiten anmelden Werbung auf unseren Seiten Termine und Veranstaltungen Sponsor werden Was ist Cool? Was ist Neu? Diskussionen Home
Bürgernetz Eichsfeld © 1997-2003 Syndicat IT&Internet - Niels Dettenbach, Eichsfeld
~; ####################################################################### # # Groupware DataRegio kalender # # Version: 4.0 # # Last Modified: 08-14-96 ####################################################################### # Print http Header. # ####################################################################### #require("/home/httpd/cgi-bin/banner/iweb.pm"); $! = 1; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; ####################################################################### # Require Libraries. # ####################################################################### $font_titelcateg="FONT FACE=Verdana,Helvetica"; $titel_bgcolor="#EAE7FE"; $lib = "./Library"; &CgiRequire("$lib/cgi-lib.pl", "$lib/cgi-lib.sol", "$lib/auth-lib.pl", "$lib/date.pl"); ####################################################################### # Gather Form Data. # ####################################################################### # Now use cgi-lib.pl to parse the incomming form data. We'll pass # cgi-lib.pl (*form_data) so that our variable will come out as # $form_data{'key'} instead of $in{'$key'}. I like to use form_data # because it is easier for me to remember what the variable is. # In the end, we will be able to refernce all of the incoming form data as # $form_data{'variablename'} &ReadParse(*form_data); ####################################################################### # Determine Which Calendar Database to Use. # ####################################################################### # Now we will need to determine which calendar databse to use. If the # admin has set up more than one calendar, each calendar database will be # in a subdirectory. In order to reference these separate databases, the # link to this script must have added ?calenar=Somesubdirectory at the end # of the URL. If we are asking for the main calendar, this variable will # not be equal to anything. if ($form_data{'calendar'} ne "") { $calendar_type = "./$form_data{'calendar'}"; } else { $calendar_type = "./"; } ####################################################################### # Define Variables # ####################################################################### # Now we will define all of our variables by using the define file that # you should have customized for your own site. &CgiRequire("calendar.setup"); # Now we are going to want to make sure that we "remember" the # session_file so that we can continually check for authentication and # keep track of who the current client is. However, if the client has # already logged on, then we will not be going back through the # authentication rouitines but will be getting the $session_file as form # data (the same hidden field we are about to define). So, we need to # rename $form_data{'session_file'} to $session_file so that in both cases # (first time to this point or continuing client) we'll have the # session_id in the same variable name form. if ($form_data{'session_file'} ne "") { $session_file = $form_data{'session_file'}; } # Now rename some other variables with the same idea... if ($form_data{'year'} ne "") { $current_year = "$form_data{'year'}"; } else { $current_year = "$the_current_year"; } if ($form_data{'month'} eq "") { @mymonth = &make_month_array(&today); $current_month_name = &monthname($currentmonth); } else { @mymonth = &make_month_array(&jday($form_data{'month'},1,$current_year)); $current_month_name = &monthname($form_data{'month'}); } %categorylist=('Konzerte, Literatur, Kunst'=>'konzerte.gif', 'In Szene'=>'szene.gif', 'Sport und Spiel'=>'sport.gif', 'Sport im Eichsfeld'=>'sport.gif', 'Feste, Brauchtum, Kirche'=>'kirche.gif', 'Feste, Brauchtum, Religion'=>'kirche.gif', 'Kinder:Kalender'=>'kinder.gif', 'Kinder:Giecker'=>'kinder.gif', 'Ausstellungen'=>'austell.gif', 'Bildung und Wissen','tips.gif', 'Private Termine','tips.gif', 'Tips von anderswo...'=>'tips.gif', 'Allgemein'=>'allg.gif'); $img_dir="/grafik"; ####################################################################### # Print out Generic Header HTML. # ####################################################################### # Okay, so if we got to this line, it means that the client has # successsfully made it past security. So let's print out the basic # header information. You may modify everything between the # "print qq! and the !; but be careful of # illegal characters like @ which must be preceeded by a backslash # (ie: selena\@eff.org) # # Also create the hidden form tags that will pass along the session_file # info and the name of the calendar that we are dealing with. It is # crucial that we make sure to pass this info along through every page so # that this script can keep track of the clients as they wander about. ####################################################################### # Print out Calendar # ####################################################################### # Now let's actually print out the dynamically generated calendar. We'll # need to do this in two cases. Firstly, if we have just logged on and # the client is asking for the very first page ($form_data{'session_file'} # ne "") and secondly, if the client has already been moving through # various pages and has asked to view the calendar again # ($form_data{'change_month_year'} ne ""). The || means "or". Thus, if # either case is true, we will procede. if ($form_data{'change_month_year'} ne "" || $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET" && $form_data{'day'} eq "") { # Now print out the HTML calendar &header ("Eichsfeld Kalender - Veranstaltungen im Eichsfeld: $current_month_name - $current_year"); print qq!

!; ($form_data{'ort'} ne"") && print "Ort: $form_data{'ort'}
"; ($form_data{'nutzername'} ne "") && print "Kalenderblatt von $form_data{'nutzername'}
"; print qq! Veranstaltungen im Eichsfeld: $current_month_name - $current_year

Schnellsuche: !; ($form_data{'ort'} ne"") && print ""; ($form_data{'nutzername'} ne "") && print ""; print qq!
um einen Tag einzusehen, klicken Sie bitte auf die entprechende Nr.
!; # Print up the table header (Weekdays). For every day (foreach $day) in # our list of days (@day_names), print out the day as a table header. # Then plop in the table row delimiters... foreach $day (@day_names) { print "\n"; } print "\n\n"; # Create the variable $count_till_last_day which we will use to make sure # that we do not add on too many s. Also clear out a new variable # called $weekday which we will use to keep track of the two dimensional # aspect of the calendar...that is, we need to break the calendar rows # after every seventh cell representing as week. (We'll taslk more about # this in just a bit). $count_till_last_day = "0"; $weekday = 0; # For every day in the mymonth array we are going to need to create a # cell for the calendar. @mymonth, if you recall, is an array we got from # &make_month_array ####################################################################### # Create a Table Cell for Each Day # ####################################################################### foreach $day_number (@mymonth) { # Begin incrementing our two counter variables. $count_till_last_day++; $weekday++; # Make sure that we add a break for every week to make the calendar 2 # dimensional. Thus, when we have gone through sets of seven days in this # foreach loop, we will reset $weekday to zero. Below, we'll use these # values to determine where we drop the , making a new calendar # room. When weekday is greater than 6, we'll know that we need a # so by setting the $weekday flag to zero, we will notify the # script just a few lines down from here to insert the row break. $weekday = 0 if ($weekday > 6); # Print a table cell for each day. However, since we want to make each # of the numbers in each of the cells clickable so that someone can click # on the number to see a day view, we are going to need to manmage alot of # information here. Firstly, we will build a variable called # $variable_list which will be used to create a long URL appendix which # will be used to transfer indformation using URL encoding. As we will # learn more specifically later, the routine which generates the day views # needs to have the day, year, and month values if it is to bring up a day # view. It must also have the session_file value (as all the routines in # this script must) and the special tag view_day=on. So we'll gather all # of that information and appending it to the $variable_list variable. $variable_list = ""; $variable_list = "day=$day_number&year=$currentyear"; $variable_list .= "&month=$currentmonth"; $variable_list .= "&session_file=$session_file"; # temporär wegen suchmaschinen von niels rausgenommen # $variable_list .= "&calendar=$form_data{'calendar'}"; $variable_list .= "&view_day=on"; # $variable_list .= "&nutzername=$form_data{'nutzername'}"; # $variable_list .= "&ort=$form_data{'ort'}"; # Now create the actual cell. Notice, the number in each cell is made # clickable by using URL encoding to tag the URl with all of the variables # we want passed. $current_day =&get_date; if (($day_number ne '') or ($day_number !=0)){ if ($day_number == $current_day){ print qq!\n"; undef %is_printed; # If, however, we have reached the end of a week row, we are going to need # to begin a new table row for the next week. If $weekday is equal to # zero, then we know that it is time. If not, continue with the row. # (BTW, here we use == instead of just = because if we used =, perl would # interpret the part inside the if () to be assigning the value of zero to # $weekday...which it would do...and evaluate the whole process as true. # That of course would undercut the whole point of counting with # $weekday.) if ($weekday == 0) { print "\n"; # But before we just blindly print up another table row, we better be sure # that we haven't actually reached the end of the month...Thus, if # $count_till_last_day equals @mymonth we know that there are no more days # left and we should not begin a new row. (Notice that when we refernce # @mymonth without quotes we receive the numerical value of the number of # elements in the array). unless ($count_till_last_day == @mymonth) { print ""; } # End of unless ($count_till_last_day == @mymonth) } # End of if ($weekday == 0) } # End of foreach $day_number (@mymonth) # Finally, once we are done making all of the cells for the calendar, # print up the HTML footer# print up the HTML footer print qq!
\n!; print qq!$day_number.
\n!; } else{ print qq!
\n!; if ($day_number ne ' '){ print qq!$day_number.
\n!; } } } # Grab the subject listings for all the entries on that day. Make sure # also that if we are unable to open the database file, that we send a # useful message back to us for debugging. We'll do this using the # open_error subroutine in cgi-lib.sol passing the routine the location of # the database file. open (DATABASE, "$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Create a Table Cell for Each Day routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you please check the path ansd the permissions."); while () { ($month, $day, $year, $username, $category, $first_name, $last_name, $email, $subject, $time, $body, $database_id_number) = split (/\|/,$_); # We are going to need to run through all of the database items and look # for database rows whose subject belong on the day cell we are building. # Thus, for every row, we must determine if the day, month, and year of # the item on that row equal the day, month and year of the cell we are # building. if ($day eq "$day_number" && $month eq "$currentmonth" && $year eq "$currentyear" && !($is_printed{$category}) && (($form_data{'nutzername'} eq "" || $form_data{'nutzername'} eq $username)) && (($form_data{'ort'} eq "") || ($body =~ /\Q$form_data{'ort'}\E/))) { # If we were able to answer true to all of those conditions, then we have # found a match and we should print out the subject in that cell. print qq!$category!; $is_printed{$category}=1; } # End of if ($day eq "$day_number" && $month eq ... } # End of while () # Once we have checked all the way through the database, we should close # that cell and move on to the next. print "
Sie k\ö\;nnen einen anderen Monat:!; # Create a select box which will allow the client to choose a new month to # view. We'll use the subroutine select_a_month at the end of this # script. &select_a_month; print "oder anderes Jahr w\ä\;hlen.\n"; # Likewise, create a select box which will allow the client to choose a # new year to view. We'll use the subroutine select_a_year at the end # of this script. &select_a_year; print qq!
$footer_htm !; exit; } # End of if ($form_data{'change_month_year'} ne "" ||... ###################################################################### # Searching ###################################################################### if ($form_data{'query'} ne "") { &header ("Kalendersuche nach $form_data{'query'}"); print qq!
<$font_titelcateg>!; ($form_data{'ort'}) && print "Ort: $form_data{'ort'}
"; ($form_data{'nutzername'}) && print "Kalenderblatt von $form_data{'nutzername'}
"; print qq! Suche nach $form_data{'query'}

!; # Now open up the database again and look for database rows that match the # requested day, month, and year. open (DAYFILE, "$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the View a Day routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you please check the permissions and path."); while () { $line=$_; ($month, $day, $year, $username, $category, $first_name, $last_name, $email, $subject, $time, $body, $database_id_number) = split (/\|/,$_); #Suchalgorithmus if (($line=~ /\Q$form_data{'query'}\E/i && $form_data ne "|") || (($formdata{'nutzername'}) && $formdata{'nutzername'} eq $username) || (($formdata{'ort'}) && $body =~ /\Q$form_data{'ort'}\E/)) { $item_found = "yes"; print qq!

Datum: $day/$month/$year
Zeit: $TIME{$time}
Kategorie: $category
Betreff: $subject
Sender: $first_name $last_name

!; } # End of if ($day eq "$form_data{'day'}" &&........) } # End of while () if ($item_found ne "yes") { print "
Es wurde nichts über $form_data{'query'} gefunden?
"; } print qq!
!; exit; } ####################################################################### # View a Day. # ####################################################################### # Okay, in the routine above we made every number in every cell of the # calendar clickable so that the client could actually view the detailed # descriptions of the events scheduled for that day. In the URL encoded # string we built, we included a tag view_day=on. Here is where that # comes in handy. This if test will check to see if the person has # clicked on a number, cause if they have, we will evaluate to true. If # true, print the header. if ($form_data{'view_day'} eq "on") { &header ("Eichsfeld-Kalender: $current_month_name $form_data{'day'}, $current_year - Veranstaltungen im Eichsfeld"); print qq!

!; ($form_data{'ort'}) && print "Ort: $form_data{'ort'}"; ($form_data{'nutzername'}) && print "Kalenderblatt von $form_data{'nutzername'}
"; print qq! Veranstaltungen am $form_data{'day'}. $current_month_name, $current_year

!; ($form_data{'ort'} ne"") && print ""; ($form_data{'nutzername'} ne "") && print ""; # Now open up the database again and look for database rows that match the # requested day, month, and year. open (DAYFILE, "$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the View a Day routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you please check the permissions and path."); while () { # Just as we did above in the routine for generating subject lines for # day cells, we are going to pay attention only to database rows that # match our client defined day, month and year. ($month, $day, $year, $username, $category, $first_name, $last_name, $email, $subject, $time, $body, $database_id_number) = split (/\|/,$_); if ($day eq "$form_data{'day'}" && $month eq "$form_data{'month'}" && $year eq "$current_year" && (($form_data{'nutzername'} eq "" || $form_data{'nutzername'} eq $username)) && (($form_data{'ort'} eq "") || ($body =~ /\Q$form_data{'ort'}\E/))) { # Set the $item_found flag so that we know that we have actually found an # item in the database. $item_found = "yes"; # Print out a
delimited detailed list of events on the day, then a # standard footer. # zeit testen if ($TIME{$time} eq ''){ $TIME{$time} ='keine Angabe'; } print qq!

Uhrzeit: $TIME{$time}
Kategorie: $category
Betreff: $subject
Sender: $first_name $last_name
!; } # End of if ($day eq "$form_data{'day'}" &&........) } # End of while () # If we were not able to find any items in the database, we should let the # client know. So if $item_found was never set to "yes", we know to send # them back a little note of explanation. if ($item_found ne "yes") { print "
Es ist noch kein Eintrag vorhanden, m\öchten Sie einen Eintrag vornehmen?
"; } print qq!
$footer_htm !; exit; } ####################################################################### # Basic User Authentication # ####################################################################### # Now let's check to see if the client is a user who is authorized to use # this script. We will use the web of routines in the library # file session-lib.pl to do the following: # # 1. Ask the user to submit a userid and password. # 2. Check that userid/password pair against the information in # $user_file. # 3. If the information is invalid, dissallow enterence and provide a # routine for the user to apply for an account. # 4. If the information was valid, send back to this script a "session # file id" corresponding to a session file which will have been created # by session-lib.pl and which will contain the users personal # information. This script will then pass along the session id as a # hidden variable throught in order to make sure that the user is # valid. # We'll pass the subroutine GetSessionInfo which is contained in # auth-lib.pl three parameters, the $session_file value (which will be # nothing if one has not been set yet), the name of this script (so it can # provide links back) and the associative array of form data we got from # cgi-lib.pl. ($session_file, $session_username, $session_group, $session_first_name, $session_last_name, $session_email) = &GetSessionInfo($session_file, $this_script_url, *form_data); # Take off the newline character for the last member in the array. chop $session_email; ####################################################################### # Create Add Item Form # ####################################################################### # Now, if the client wants to add an item, we are going to need to present # them with a form which they can use to submit information for each of # the database fields. if ($form_data{'add_item_form'} ne "") { &header ("$cid-Kalender"); # We'll use the subroutine submission_form at the end of this script to # generate a form with input fields for every item in the database which # can be manipulated by the client. &submission_form; # Print out a standard footer and quit. print qq!

!; exit; } ####################################################################### # Add an Item to the Database # ####################################################################### if ($form_data{'add_item'} ne "") { &header ("Eintrag schreiben"); # Make sure that the client has filled out all the necessary fields in the # submission form. First we'll get a list of the variable names (keys) # associated with the associative array %form_data given to us by # cgi-lib.pl. Thus, we will have a list of every field, empty or not, # submitted by our form. @form_data = keys (%form_data); # For every element in our @form_data array, check to see if the # associated value in %form_data has content. If not, send back an error # message and quit. ####################################################################### # Did They Fill Out All The Form Fields? # ####################################################################### foreach $variable_name (@form_data) { if ($form_data{$variable_name} eq "" && $variable_name ne "calendar") { print qq!
Sie haben nicht alle Felder ausgef\ü\;llt - benutzen Sie bitte den \[ZUR\Ü\;CK\]-Knopf Ihres Browsers und korrigieren Sie Ihre Angaben
!; exit; } } # If they have entered data into all of the fields, we can go ahead and # add their new entry. # Now create a lockfile while we edit our database file. The reason that # we do this is so that if two people are trying to edit the datafile at # one time, one person will not destroy the modifications made by the # other person. We'll create the lock file using the subroutine # GetFileLoc in cgi-lib.sol, passing it one parameter, the location of # the lock file used by this program. You should definitely not create # the lock file yourself... &GetFileLock ("$lock_file"); # First get a unique number from the couter file by # using the subroutine counter in cgi-lib.sol. We'll pass the routine one # parameter which will be the location of the counter file used by this # program. The unique counter number is essential because every row must # be uniquely identifiable for modificaiton and deletions. The numbers # don't need to be in any order, and there can be gaping holes between # numbers (as when items are deleted) but they must be unique. &counter($counter_file); ####################################################################### # Make The Addition # ####################################################################### # If we got past the lockfile routine it means that we are now the sole # owner of the database file and can safely make changes. So let's write # the contents of the new entry to the database file (appending (>>) the # new data to the end of the esiting list of items... open (DATABASE, ">>$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Make The Addition routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you please check the path and permissions."); # Now let's format the incoming form data so that it will all stay on one # line. We'll substitute (=~ s/) all occurances (/g) of newlines (\n) for #
and all occurances of two hard returns (\r\r) for

's. foreach $value (@field_values) { $form_data{$value} =~ s/\n/
/g; $form_data{$value} =~ s/\r\r/

/g; $form_data{$value} =~ s/\|/:/g; #$form_data{$value} =~ s/\-/:/g; } # Now let's simplify some of the variables and generate the new database # row. (.= means that you should append the new value to the end of the # existing value for the variable.) if ($session_first_name eq "") { $session_first_name = "$form_data{'first_name'}"; $session_last_name = "$form_data{'last_name'}"; $session_email = "$form_data{'email'}"; } $category="$form_data{'category'}"; $subject = "$form_data{'subject'}"; $event_time = "$form_data{'time'}"; $month = "$form_data{'month'}"; $day = "$form_data{'day'}"; $year = "$form_data{'year'}"; $body = "$form_data{'body'}"; $new_row = ""; $new_row .= "$month\|$day\|$year\|$session_username\|$category\|"; $new_row .= "$session_first_name\|$session_last_name\|$session_email\|"; $new_row .= "$subject\|$event_time\|$body\|$item_number"; # Add the new database row to the database file and delete the lock file # so that someone else may modify the database file. Don't forget the new # line at the end of the database row so that the next item entered will # have its own line. print DATABASE "$new_row\n"; close (DATABASE); &ReleaseFileLock ("$lock_file"); # Print out the standard page footer. print qq!
<$font_titelcateg>Eintrag gespeichert

Vielen Dank f\ü\;r Ihren Eintrag. !; # Now it is time to sort the entries in the database file so that we can # make sure that when people choose day views, their entries come out # ordered by time. Once again, we'll create the lock file so that no one # else can modify the database file while we are modifying it. &GetFileLock ("$lock_file"); open (DATABASE, "$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Make The Addition routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you please check the path and permissions."); # First, add every row in our database file to an array called # @database_fields while () { @database_fields = split (/\|/, $_); # Now, create a variable called $comment_row which will be used, for now # to hold COMMENT lines in the database file since we don not want them # sorted along with the rest of the items. if ($_ =~ /^COMMENT:/) { $comment_row .= $_; } # If the database row is not a COMMENT row, we are going to find the field # which has the time of the event and append it to the front of the # database row (so it occurs twice...once at the beginning of the line and # once in the middle somewhere) and add (push) the whole string # ($sortable_row) into a growing array called @database_rows. We'll # explain the reason for this in the next comment paragraph. else { $sortable_row = "$database_fields[$field_num_time]~~"; $sortable_row .= $_; push (@database_rows, $sortable_row); } } # When we have added all of the "modified" rows to the array # @database_rows we'll sort that array. This is why we wanted to append # the time to the beginning of each of the rows...the sort routine will # now sort all of the database items by event time. @sorted_temp_database = sort (@database_rows); # Now go through @sorted_temp_database and take out the extra event_time # string at the beginning of each database row. We do this by splitting # the string at - and then "pushing" the part of the string which # corresponds to the original database row back into the array # @final_sorted_database. foreach $database_row (@sorted_temp_database) { ($extra_event_time, $true_database_row) = split (/~~/, $database_row); push (@final_sorted_database, $true_database_row); } close (DATABASE); # Now we are going to need to change the original database file so that it # represents our sorted order. To do this, we will first create a # temporary file to which we will first reprint all of the comment rows # stored in the variable $comment_row. open (TEMPFILE, ">$temp_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the temp file in the Make The Addition routine. The value I have is $temp_file. Would you please check the path and permissions."); print TEMPFILE "$comment_row"; # Then for each of the database rows stored in @final_sorted_database, # we'll print to the temp file. foreach $row (@final_sorted_database) { print TEMPFILE "$row"; } close (TEMPFILE); # Then we will copy our temp file over the original database file so that # the resulting file will represent the sort. Then of course, delete the # lock file so others can manipulate the database. rename ($temp_file, $database_file); &ReleaseFileLock ("$lock_file"); exit; } ####################################################################### # Print out Modify Item Form. # ####################################################################### if ($form_data{'modify_item_form'} ne "") { &header ("Eintrag bearbeiten"); # Print out the basic header including the hidden fields which we want # transferred to the modification routines which must have all the user # information if they are to redcreate database rows. Since the # modification routines are going to compare incoming form data to # database row information, we will want this information to come in with # the rest of the form data. print qq!
<$font_titelcateg>$form_data{'day'}. $current_month_name, $current_year
!; # Begin a table which we will use to display all of the items posted by # the client on the day they are interested in. But, for the time being, # let's not print out the table, but build it in a variable called $table $table .= "\n"; $table .= "\n"; $table .= "\n"; # Create the header row foreach $name (@field_names) { $table .= "\n"; } $table .= "\n"; # Now open the database and check for items which correspond to the user # as well as the day, month and year they have requested to look at or # modify. open (DAYFILE, "$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Print out Modify Item Form routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you please check the path and permissions."); while () { chop $_; # Make sure to take out the newline. # Split out the database row as usual, but this time also use them to make # an array called @database_values which we'll use in just a bit. ($month, $day, $year, $username, $category, $first_name, $last_name, $email, $subject, $time, $body, $database_id_number,) = split (/\|/,$_); @database_values = split (/\|/,$_); # Pay attention only to items specific to user, day, month and year if ($day eq "$form_data{'day'}" && $month eq "$form_data{'month'}" && $year eq "$form_data{'year'}" && $session_username eq "$username") { # Flag the fact that we did indeed find an item $item_found = "yes"; # Continue adding to out $table variable by adding the table row # corresponding to the database row which matched. Also, offer them a # radio button so that they can select which table row to modify. $table .= "\n"; $table .= "\n"; foreach $value (@database_values) { $table .= "\n"; } $table .= "\n"; } } $table .= "
Eintrag bearbeiten$name
"; $table .= "$value

\n"; # If $item_found is still not equal to yes, it means that we did not match # any items so we should send the client back a little note. if ($item_found ne "yes") { print qq!

Leider haben Sie an diesem Tag noch keinen Eintrag vorgenommen.
!; exit; } # If however, it did equal yes, we can go ahead and print out out table. print "$table"; # Now we'll need to give the client a form similar to the add item form so # that they can make any modifications that they want. Do that with the # submission_form subroutine at the end of this script passing it the # parameter, modify so that it will know to output the form reletive to a # modify rather than to an add. &submission_form("modify"); # Finally print out a standard footer and quit. print qq!

Hinweis: vergewissern Sie sich, das Sie den zu bearbeitenden Eintrag markiert haben...
!; exit; } ####################################################################### # Print Out Delete Item Form # ####################################################################### # Now let's print out a form for item deletion in case that is what they # want. if ($form_data{'delete_item_form'} ne "") { &header ("Eintrag löschen"); print "\n"; print"
"; print" <$font_titelcateg>$form_data{'day'}. $current_month_name, $current_year"; print"
"; print "\n"; # Just as we did for the modify form, create the $table variable and # print up the delete form or the error message in case no items were # found relative to the client. $table = ""; $table .= ""; $table .= "\n\n"; $table .= ""; foreach $name (@field_names) { $table .= "\n"; } $table .= "\n"; open (DAYFILE, "$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Print Out Delete Item Form routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you please check the path and permissions."); while () { chop $_; ($month, $day, $year, $username, $category, $first_name, $last_name, $email, $subject, $time, $body, $database_id_number) = split (/\|/,$_); @database_values = split (/\|/,$_); if ($day eq "$form_data{'day'}" && $month eq "$form_data{'month'}" && $year eq "$form_data{'year'}" && $session_username eq "$username") { $item_found = "yes"; $table .= "\n"; $table .= "\n"; foreach $value (@database_values) { $table .= "\n"; } $table .= "\n"; } } if ($item_found ne "yes") { print qq!
Eintrag löschen$name
"; $table .= "$value
<$font_titelcateg>kein Eintrag vorhanden
Leider haben Sie an diesem Tag noch keinen Eintrag vorgenommen.
!; exit; } print qq! $table

!; exit; } ####################################################################### # Delete an Item. # ####################################################################### # Let's make a deletion if the client requested that we do so... if ($form_data{'delete_item'} ne "") { # However, we need to make sure that the client actually chose an item to # delete with the radio buttons. if ($form_data{'item_to_delete'} eq "") { &header ("oops"); print qq!

Fehler beim löschen

Leider haben Sie keinen Eintrag zum L\ö\;schen. markiert. benutzen Sie den ZUR\&UUML\;CK Knopf Ihres Browsers, um Ihre Eingaben zu bearbeiten.
!; exit; } # Lock the database file as we did for the add item routines. &GetFileLock ("$lock_file"); # Create a temporary file as we did for the add routines. open (TEMP, ">$temp_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the temp file in the Delete an Item routine. The value I have is $temp_file. Would you check the path and permissions."); close (TEMP); # While there is data in the database file check to see which item matches # the deletion open (DATA, "$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the data file in the Delete an Item routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you check the path and permissions."); while () { @grepfields=split(/\|/,$_); # Get the unique database id for the database row and chop off the # newline. $database_id = pop (@grepfields); chop $database_id; # If the unique database id of the row is not equal to the database id # number submitted by the client then we do not want to delete it so we'll # print it to the temp file. if ($database_id ne "$form_data{'item_to_delete'}") { open (TEMP, ">>$temp_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the temp file in the Delete an Item routine. The value I have is $temp_file. Would you check the path and permissions."); print TEMP "$_"; close (TEMP); } } # End of while () # Once we have gone through all of the items in the database, we can copy # the temp file over the database file and the deletion will have been # made since the row which matched the database id number will not have # been printed to the temp file. Close the database file and delete the # lock file so others can modify the database file. close (DATA); rename ($temp_file, $database_file); &ReleaseFileLock ("$lock_file"); # Print up a standard footer &header ("Eintrag aus dem Kalender entfernen"); print qq!
Der Eintrag wurde entfernt

!; exit; } ####################################################################### # Modify Item # ####################################################################### # Now let's modify an item if the client asked us to do so. if ($form_data{'modify_item'} ne "") { # However, we need to make sure that the client actually chose an item to # modify with the radio buttons. &header("Fehler! Fehler beim Bearbeiten der Datenbank"); if ($form_data{'item_to_modify'} eq "") { print qq!
<$font_titelcateg>fehlende Informationen
Sie haben vergessen einen zu bearbeitenden Eintrag zu markieren. benutzen Sie den ZUR\Ü\;CK -knopf Ihres Browsers und berichtigen Sie Ihre Eingaben.
!; exit; } # Just as we did above, create the lock file and temp file. &GetFileLock ("$lock_file"); open (TEMPFILE, ">$temp_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the temp file in the Modify Item routine. The value I have is $temp_file. Would you check the path and permissions."); open (DATABASE, "$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the data file in the Modify Item routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you check the path and permissions."); # As we did for deletion, get the unique database id number for each row. # (pop(@fields)) But this time, we will make sure to add it back into the # array so that we have a whole array again push (@fields, $item_id). # And don't forget to chop off the newline. while () { @fields = split (/\|/, $_); $item_id = pop(@fields); chop $item_id; push (@fields, $item_id); #foreach (@fields){print"$_\n
"}; # If the item id matches the one that the client submited, then we'll # rename the @fields array to @old_fields. Otherwise, we'll ass the line # to our growing list of database rows in $new_data if ($item_id eq "$form_data{'item_to_modify'}") { @old_fields = @fields; } else { $new_data .= "$_"; } } # End of while () # Once we get through all the items in the database, we should have found # one that matched the modify item selected by the cleint and the rest # should be stored in $new_data. So now we'll print the rows in $new_data # to our temp file. print TEMPFILE "$new_data"; # Now we are going to need to substitute the new data submitted by the # client for the old data that was in the database. We'll initialize a # couple of variable first, $counter and $new_line. We'll use counter to # keep track of the database fields that we have edited and use $new_line # to create the new database row. $counter = 0; $new_line = ""; until ($counter >= @field_values) { $value = ""; $value = "$field_values[$counter]"; if ($form_data{$value} eq "") { $new_line .= "$old_fields[$counter]|"; } else { $form_data{$value} =~ s/\n/
/g; $form_data{$value} =~ s/\r\r/

/g; $form_data{$value} =~ s/\|/~~/g; if ($form_data{$value} eq "") { $form_data{$value} = "

"; } $new_line .= "$form_data{$value}|"; } # End of else $counter++; } # End of until ($counter >= @field_values) chop $new_line; # take off last | # Close everything up and copy the temp file over the original, then # release the lock file. print TEMPFILE "$new_line\n"; close (TEMPFILE); close (DATABASE); rename ($temp_file, $database_file); &ReleaseFileLock ("$lock_file"); # Now print up the usual footer with an option to add another item. print qq!

Ihr Eintrag wurde bearbeitet

!; # Now it is time to sort the entries in the database file so that we can # make sure that when people choose day views, their entries come out # ordered by time. Once again, we'll create the lock file so that no one # else can modify the database file while we are modifying it. &GetFileLock ("$lock_file"); open (DATABASE, "$database_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the data file in the Modify Item routine. The value I have is $database_file. Would you check the path and permissions."); # First, add every row in our database file to an array called # @database_fields while () { @database_fields = split (/\|/, $_); # Now, create a variable called $comment_row which will be used, for now # to hold COMMENT lines in the database file since we don not want them # sorted along with the rest of the items. if ($_ =~ /^COMMENT:/) { $comment_row .= $_; } # If the database row is not a COMMENT row, we are going to find the field # which has the time of the event and append it to the front of the # database row (so it occurs twice...once at the beginning of the line and # once in the middle somewhere) and add (push) the whole string # ($sortable_row) into a growing array called @database_rows. We'll # explain the reason for this in the next comment paragraph. else { $sortable_row = "$database_fields[$field_num_time]~~"; $sortable_row .= $_; push (@database_rows, $sortable_row); } } # When we have added all of the "modified" rows to the array # @database_rows we'll sort that array. This is why we wanted to append # the time to the beginning of each of the rows...the sort routine will # now sort all of the database items by event time. @sorted_temp_database = sort (@database_rows); # Now go through @sorted_temp_database and take out the extra event_time # string at the beginning of each database row. We do this by splitting # the string at - and then "pushing" the part of the string which # corresponds to the original database row back into the array # @final_sorted_database. foreach $database_row (@sorted_temp_database) { ($extra_event_time, $true_database_row) = split (/~~/, $database_row); push (@final_sorted_database, $true_database_row); } close (DATABASE); # Now we are going to need to change the original database file so that it # represents our sorted order. To do this, we will first create a # temporary file to which we will first reprint all of the comment rows # stored in the variable $comment_row. open (TEMPFILE, ">$temp_file") || &CgiDie ("I am sorry, but I was unable to open the temp file in the Modify Item routine. The value I have is $temp_file. Would you check the path and permissions."); print TEMPFILE "$comment_row"; # Then for each of the database rows stored in @final_sorted_database, # we'll print to the temp file. foreach $row (@final_sorted_database) { print TEMPFILE "$row"; } close (TEMPFILE); # Then we will copy our temp file over the original database file so that # the resulting file will represent the sort. Then of course, delete the # lock file so others can manipulate the database. rename ($temp_file, $database_file); &ReleaseFileLock ("$lock_file"); exit; } # Finally, make a default in the case that the client got through # everything without finding what they wanted...probably because they hit # return when typing into a text box &header("Woop.s"); print qq!
<$font_titelcateg>fehlende Informationen
Sie haben nicht alle Felder ausgef\ü\;llt - benutzen Sie bitte den \[ZUR\Ü\;CK\]-Knopf Ihres Browsers und korrigieren Sie Ihre Angaben
!; ######################################################################### # SUBROUTINES # ######################################################################### ######################################################################### # make_month_array # ######################################################################### sub make_month_array { # Define some variables which will be local to this subroutine local($juldate) = $_[0]; local($month,$day,$year,$weekday); local($tempjdate,$firstweekday,$numdays,$lastweekday); local(@myarray); # The following line gets the date of the passed parameter ($month, $day, $year, $weekday) = &jdate($juldate); # Make a NEW date based on the FIRST of the month instead $tempjdate = &jday($month, 1, $year); # get weekday of 1st of the month ($month, $day, $year, $weekday) = &jdate($tempjdate); $firstweekday = $weekday; $currentmonth = "$month"; $currentyear = "$year"; $month++; if ($month > 12) { $month = 1; $year++; } $tempjdate = &jday($month,1,$year); $tempjdate--; ($month, $day, $year, $weekday) = &jdate($tempjdate); $numdays = $day; $lastweekday = $weekday; for ($x = 0;$x < $firstweekday; $x++) { $myarray[$x] = " "; } #End of for for ($x = 1; $x <= $numdays; $x++ ) { $myarray[$x + $firstweekday - 1] = $x; } for ($x = $lastweekday; $x < 6; $x++) { push(@myarray,""); } return @myarray; } ######################################################################### # &CgiRequire # ######################################################################### # This subroutine checks to see whether the file that we are trying to # require actually exists and is readable by us. The reason for this # subroutine is to provide the developer with an informative error message # when attempting to debug the scripts. sub CgiRequire { # Define $require_file as a local variable and set it equal to the # filename we sent when we called this routine. local (@require_files) = @_; # Check to see if the file exists and is readable by us. If so, go ahead # and require it. foreach $file (@require_files) { if (-e "$file" && -r "$file") { require "$file"; } # If not, send back an error message that will help us isolate the # problem with the script. else { print "I'm sorry, I was not able to open $file. Would you please check to make sure that you gave me a valid filename and that the permissions on $require_file are set to allow me access?"; exit; } } } ######################################################################## # &select_a_month # ######################################################################## sub select_a_month { print "\n"; } ###################################################################### # &select_a_year # ###################################################################### sub select_a_year { print "\n"; } ###################################################################### # get date sub get_date { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the current date. # my ($time) = shift; $time ||= time(); exists $DATE_CACHE{$time} or ($DATE_CACHE{$time} = &unix_to_date($time)); return $DATE_CACHE{$time}; } sub date_to_unix { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine must take your date format and return the time a la UNIX time(). # Some things to be careful about.. # timelocal does not like to be in array context, don't do my($time) = timelocal (..) # int your values just in case to remove spaces, etc. # catch the fatal error timelocal will generate if you have a bad date.. # don't forget that the month is indexed from 0! # my $date = shift; my $i; my ($day, $mon, $year) = split(/-/, $date); exists $months{$mon} or return undef; $day = int($day); # $year = $year - 1900; require Time::Local; my $time = 0; eval { $time = &Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0, $day, $months{$mon}, $year); }; if ($@) { die "invalid date format: $date - parsed as (day: $day, month: $months{$mon}, year: $year). Reason: $@"; } return $time; } sub unix_to_date { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine must take a unix time and return your date format # A much simpler routine, just make sure your format isn't so complex that # you can't get it back into unix time. # my $time = shift; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $dweek, $dyear, $tz) = localtime $time; # $year = $year + 1900; return "$day"; } ###################################################################### # &submission_form # ###################################################################### sub submission_form { local ($type_of_form) = @_; if ($session_first_name ne "") { print qq! !; } else { print qq!
Name $session_first_name $session_last_name
Email $session_email
!; } print qq! \n"; print "\n\n"; print "\n"; print ""; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
Jahr !; &select_a_year; print qq!
Monat\n"; &select_a_month; print "
!; } sub header { local ($title) = @_; if ($title eq "") { $title = "Veranstaltungen in $stadt"; } print qq* $title
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*; #&Show_banner; print qq*
Konzerte, Literatur, Kunst In Szene Sport und Spiel Kirmes, Brauchtum, Kirche Kinder-Kalender Ausstellungen Tips von anderswo...
*; }